A Wide Range for Your Convenience
Please Note: We do not accept some out of state insurances. Please contact us for more information if your insurance is not listed below.
Insurance Verification Notice:
We are well into 2024 and we have tried to be as helpful as we could be in verifying insurances for current coverage. What has become apparent are all the new insurances that are now available in our area and many of those require prior authorization before therapy begins or at some point during your therapy.
Due to this, if we are not informed of your new insurance or any other changes to your insurance coverage, we cannot guarantee your physical therapy appointments will be covered. Most insurance will not back date a prior authorization as well.
If your insurance changes, we request you inform us ASAP and bring us the new insurance card(s), so we are able to verify your physical therapy requirements and benefits. This includes secondary insurance and tertiary insurance changes. If we are unable to acquire a prior authorization, the balance of any charge incurred for the non-covered visits will become your responsibility.
Lastly, when we verify your insurance requirements and benefits, we do so through a portal per requirement from most insurance companies. We have found that not all insurance companies have fully listed all insurance benefit information, therefore we may request your help by asking for your benefit booklet. Your insurance should have provided this booklet to you or given you instructions on how to access the booklet on their website.
Please Note: we need to have your physical insurance card(s) to scan into your file. This card(s) is needed to correctly verify insurance and for billing purposes. We are unable to accept the following file formats of your insurance card(s); JPG, PDF, Word Document, Publisher or Excel File. It is always recommended that you carry your insurance card(s) and ID with you when attending any medical appointments.
Again, any non-covered charges will be the responsibility of the patient to pay.
If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by the front desk or contact us at (509) 682-4713.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Coordinated Care
First Choice
Health Alliance
Labor & Industries
Mutual of Omaha
United Health Care
WA Hospital Worker's Comp